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Seamless delivery.

We always deliver. You too?

Having seamless processes in production requires well-organized framework conditions. We work with partners who offer quality products and services, who are reliable, and who calculate in line with the market. What we expect from our partners: quality, flexibility, adherence to delivery dates and deadlines, an excellent price/performance ratio, an innovate spirit, and good service.


Having seamless processes in production requires well-organized framework conditions. For this reason, all purchases made by BSW, BDW, BSN, BAT, Südra, and BSA are pooled and controlled in central purchasing.

Acquisition of raw materials


The purchase of raw materials plays a vital role in meeting the high quality requirements placed on the products. For example, scrap must be free of any contamination, radioactivity, and possible hollow and explosive objects in closed containers.

It’s time to get going

You’ve got a thing for steel?