The best are honored

Bei der Preisverleihung der Hochschule Offenburg haben 18 Unternehmen, Vereine und Verbände aus der Region am Freitag insgesamt 33 Preise und Stipendien für herausragende Studienleistungen vergeben.

Neu bei der Preisverleihung der Hochschule waren die beiden Master-Informatik-Förderpreise von Edeka Südwest und der Wirtschaftsinformatik-Förderpreis von Hansgrohe SE dabei – heißt es in einer Pressemitteilung. Alle Preisstifter zeichneten mit Preisen und Stipendien außergewöhnlich gute Abschlüsse oder ein besonderes Engagement der Absolventinnen und Absolventen sowie Studierenden aus.

„Ich freue mich, dass wir heute die hervorragendenLeistungen und das besondere Engagement unserer Studierenden würdigen können“, begrüßte Anne Najderek, Prorektorin für Studium und Lehre, die Gäste im Mediensaal. Die Preise seien Motivation. „Es freut uns sehr, jetzt drei Informatik-Förderpreise vergeben zu dürfen“, erklärte anschließend David Willmann, Bereichsleiter bei Edeka Südwest. Clarissa Lehmann, Leiterin Ausbildung & Hochschulmarketing bei Hansgrohe SE, hatte ebenfalls einen neuen Preis im Gepäck: „Hans-grohe vergibt in diesem Jahr zum dritten Mal den Preis in der Kategorie Medien und Informationswesen sowie in der Kategorie Maschinenbau. Neuhinzugekommen ist unser Förderpreis in der Kategorie Wirtschaftsinformatik“, sagte sie.

 „Die beiden jährlichen Förderpreise der Stadt Offenburg sind ein Ausdruck von tiefer Verbundenheit und enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule, erklärte FDP-Stadtrat Thomas Bauknecht auch für OB Steffens und den Rat. 

More News

Across borders

The cross border heat company „Calorie Kehl-Strasbourg“ has been founded. Kehl's mayor Toni Vetrano says: "I am very pleased about the participation of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg."

Across borders

The cross border heat company „Calorie Kehl-Strasbourg“ has been founded. Kehl's mayor Toni Vetrano says: "I am very pleased about the participation of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg."

Heating in Strasbourg with BSW waste heat

The waste heat of Badische Stahlwerke in the port of Kehl shall also be used in Strasbourg. To this end, a pipeline has to be built under the Rhine. The project is scheduled to be completed by the winter of 2025/2026. The state of Baden-Wuerttemberg is participating in the project.

Heating in Strasbourg with BSW waste heat

The waste heat of Badische Stahlwerke in the port of Kehl shall also be used in Strasbourg. To this end, a pipeline has to be built under the Rhine. The project is scheduled to be completed by the winter of 2025/2026. The state of Baden-Wuerttemberg is participating in the project.

Functional only as a unit

Representatives of three countries were in Kehl and at the steelworks in the course of the Upper Rhine Conference.

Functional only as a unit

Representatives of three countries were in Kehl and at the steelworks in the course of the Upper Rhine Conference.

School garden accessible for everybody

Last week, the trainees of BAG KEHL handed over a wheelchair-accessible exit for the pupils of the Oberlin school.

School garden accessible for everybody

Last week, the trainees of BAG KEHL handed over a wheelchair-accessible exit for the pupils of the Oberlin school.

Employees joined us for the ride

There’s nobody who has shaped Badische Stahlwerke in Kehl more than Horst Weitzmann, who has been closely associated with the company for over 40 years. He celebrates his 80th birthday today.

Employees joined us for the ride

There’s nobody who has shaped Badische Stahlwerke in Kehl more than Horst Weitzmann, who has been closely associated with the company for over 40 years. He celebrates his 80th birthday today.

Kehl is a part of the waste heat project

With the waste heat from Badische Stahlwerke, which up until now has just been floating into the atmosphere unused, around 4,500 Strasbourg households can be supplied with thermal energy for heating and hot water in a first step.

Kehl is a part of the waste heat project

With the waste heat from Badische Stahlwerke, which up until now has just been floating into the atmosphere unused, around 4,500 Strasbourg households can be supplied with thermal energy for heating and hot water in a first step.

Thermal energy from Kehl for Strasbourg

The "Stuttgarter Zeitung" also reports on the French-German heating project, in which the waste heat from the two BSW melting furnaces is retained for heating apartments in Strasbourg. The state of Baden-Württemberg supports the cross-border use of waste heat.

Thermal energy from Kehl for Strasbourg

The "Stuttgarter Zeitung" also reports on the French-German heating project, in which the waste heat from the two BSW melting furnaces is retained for heating apartments in Strasbourg. The state of Baden-Württemberg supports the cross-border use of waste heat.

The baton is being passed at Badische Drahtwerke

Managing Director Hermann Adolph is retiring

The baton is being passed at Badische Drahtwerke

Managing Director Hermann Adolph is retiring

Local recreation for residents of Auenheim

With the 9th amendment to the “Auenheim-Süd” development plan, the BSW slag rampart is to be converted into a local recreation area.

Local recreation for residents of Auenheim

With the 9th amendment to the “Auenheim-Süd” development plan, the BSW slag rampart is to be converted into a local recreation area.

Money for waste heat project

Cross-border BSW project. A tremendous amount of heat is generated during the production of steel at BSW in the Kehl harbor. In a first step, at least part of the waste heat is to be used to heat 4,500 apartments in Strasbourg and to supply them with hot water.

Money for waste heat project

Cross-border BSW project. A tremendous amount of heat is generated during the production of steel at BSW in the Kehl harbor. In a first step, at least part of the waste heat is to be used to heat 4,500 apartments in Strasbourg and to supply them with hot water.

New childcare offer

Starting with the 2020 Carnival holiday season, the time has come for us to offer holiday care for our employees’ children in a joint project between between the municipality of Kehl and other companies.

New childcare offer

Starting with the 2020 Carnival holiday season, the time has come for us to offer holiday care for our employees’ children in a joint project between between the municipality of Kehl and other companies.

The best are honored

Achieving outstanding academic results is worth it. Like every year, Badische Stahlwerke is once again a sponsor and presents the sponsorship awards.

The best are honored

Achieving outstanding academic results is worth it. Like every year, Badische Stahlwerke is once again a sponsor and presents the sponsorship awards.